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Christmas Tree Farm

Membership Information

The New Hampshire - Vermont Christmas Tree Association was organized in 1956 to give growers and wreath and brush producers the means to work together on the production and marketing of high quality Christmas trees and related products. The Association meets three times a year: Spring and Fall meetings are at member farms. The Winter meeting is held in mid-January in Barre, Vermont.

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Typical meeting agendas include such topics as marketing, bookkeeping and taxation, mechanization, fertilization, insect and disease problems and controls, and labor and legislative issues. Pesticide recertification credits required to maintain a pesticide applicators license are generally available at all meetings.

The Association publishes a newsletter, Tree Line, which is received either on line or in hard copy three times a year.

The Association assists members in marketing their product through preparation of an annual WholesaleBuyers Guide. This is made available on-line, is editable as the season progresses and as product availability changes, and is downloadable for those in need of a printed copy .

Perhaps most importantly, the Association offers a chance for great discussion of problems and opportunities with other experienced growers. The importance of this forum cannot be overestimated.

Membership Categories:

Regular: Persons who are directly engaged in any phase of growing or handling Christmas trees or related products. Dues include $20.00 contribution to National Christmas Tree Association Tree Industry Partnership Program.

Spousal: Husband or wife of regular member. Same privileges as regular member.

Employee: Bona fide full or part time employee of regular member.

Associate: Nongrower or non handler who is interested in the progress and development of the industry.

Youth: Persons 18 years of age or less who are directly engaged in any phase of growing or handling Christmas trees or related products.

Join or renew your membership

Register and pay online with form below or
download and mail in our
membership application here.

For more information or questions, please contact us at

Tractor on Tree farm