
Find a fresh wreath!
3 Rivers Wreath Company
357 River Street Extension, PO Box 428 Franklin, NH 03235
Merrimack County
(603) 934-1995
Email: wholesale@3rwc.com
Contact: Kirk Weyant
357 River Street Extension, PO Box 428 Franklin, NH 03235
Merrimack County
(603) 934-1995
Email: wholesale@3rwc.com
Contact: Kirk Weyant
Bakersfield Tree Farm
405 Fairfield Road Bakersfield, VT 05441
Franklin County
(802) 827-3042
Email: gafoote@myfairpoint.net
Contact: Gary or Alice Foote
405 Fairfield Road Bakersfield, VT 05441
Franklin County
(802) 827-3042
Email: gafoote@myfairpoint.net
Contact: Gary or Alice Foote
Bunny Acres
330 Putt Road Bethel, VT 05032, NH
Windsor County
(802) 234-7257
Contact: Brian Gillord/ Linn Huntley
330 Putt Road Bethel, VT 05032, NH
Windsor County
(802) 234-7257
Contact: Brian Gillord/ Linn Huntley
Gilberts Tree Farm
1865 Weir Road Williamstown, VT 05679
Orange County
(802) 433-1260
Email: gilbertbulldogs@gmail.com
Contact: Greg and Amy Gilbert
1865 Weir Road Williamstown, VT 05679
Orange County
(802) 433-1260
Email: gilbertbulldogs@gmail.com
Contact: Greg and Amy Gilbert
High Meadow Farm
162 Joalco Road Strafford, NH 03884
Strafford County
Contact: Gordon Page
162 Joalco Road Strafford, NH 03884
Strafford County
Contact: Gordon Page
King's Pine Farm
185 North Road Deerfield,, NH 03037
Rockingham County
(603) 463-1735
Email: kingspinefarm@gmail.com
185 North Road Deerfield,, NH 03037
Rockingham County
(603) 463-1735
Email: kingspinefarm@gmail.com
Larry's Tree Farm
366 Rte 108 South Bakersfield, VT 05448
Franklin County
(802) 730-4627
Email: Larry'streefarm@gmail.com
Contact: Penny or Derek Krygier
366 Rte 108 South Bakersfield, VT 05448
Franklin County
(802) 730-4627
Email: Larry'streefarm@gmail.com
Contact: Penny or Derek Krygier
LeBlanc Tree Farm
392 Texas Hill Road Plymouth, NH 03264
Email: dleblancski@gmail.com
Contact: Norm and Deborah LeBlanc
392 Texas Hill Road Plymouth, NH 03264
Email: dleblancski@gmail.com
Contact: Norm and Deborah LeBlanc
Murray Hill Farm
865 Guptil Road Waterbury Center, VT 05677
Washington County
(802) 6620855
Email: hello@murrayhillfarm.org
Contact: Robert W. Murray, M.D.
865 Guptil Road Waterbury Center, VT 05677
Washington County
(802) 6620855
Email: hello@murrayhillfarm.org
Contact: Robert W. Murray, M.D.
Nichols Tree Farm
196 Indian Pond Road Orford, NH 03777
Grafton County
(603) 353-4832
Email: NTFBill@hotmail.com
Contact: Bill Nichols
196 Indian Pond Road Orford, NH 03777
Grafton County
(603) 353-4832
Email: NTFBill@hotmail.com
Contact: Bill Nichols
Noel's Tree Farm
21 Charles Bancroft Hwy Litchfield, NH 03052
Hillsborough County
(603) 930-1291
Email: info@noelstreefarm.com
Contact: Kessler Family
21 Charles Bancroft Hwy Litchfield, NH 03052
Hillsborough County
(603) 930-1291
Email: info@noelstreefarm.com
Contact: Kessler Family
North Pole Xmas Trees
420 Amherst Street Nashua, NH 03063
Hillsborough County
(603) 930-1291 or 603-494-6322
Email: info@northpolexmastrees.com
Contact: George or Illan Kessler
420 Amherst Street Nashua, NH 03063
Hillsborough County
(603) 930-1291 or 603-494-6322
Email: info@northpolexmastrees.com
Contact: George or Illan Kessler
Pleasant Valley Tree Farm
313 Pleasant Valley Road Bennington, VT 05201
Bennington County
(802) 442-9071
Email: bhorst@comcast.net
Contact: Barry Horst
313 Pleasant Valley Road Bennington, VT 05201
Bennington County
(802) 442-9071
Email: bhorst@comcast.net
Contact: Barry Horst
Rocks Christmas Tree Farm
113 Glessner Road Bethlehem, NH 03574
Grafton County
(603) 444-6228
Email: nmanley@forestsociety.org
Contact: Nigel Manley
113 Glessner Road Bethlehem, NH 03574
Grafton County
(603) 444-6228
Email: nmanley@forestsociety.org
Contact: Nigel Manley
Sinclair Family Tree Farm
367 Seldon Mill Rad Ripton, VT 05766
Addison County
(802) 388-5499
Contact: Doug Sinclair
367 Seldon Mill Rad Ripton, VT 05766
Addison County
(802) 388-5499
Contact: Doug Sinclair
South Farm
575 Profile Road Bethlehem, NH 03574
Grafton County
Email: manley1515@gmail.com
Contact: Nigel Manley
575 Profile Road Bethlehem, NH 03574
Grafton County
Email: manley1515@gmail.com
Contact: Nigel Manley
Werner Christmas Tree Farm
429 Painter Road Middlebury, VT 05753
Addison County
(802 388-7781
Email: wernertreefarm@yahoo.com
Contact: Dave or Cheryl Werner
429 Painter Road Middlebury, VT 05753
Addison County
(802 388-7781
Email: wernertreefarm@yahoo.com
Contact: Dave or Cheryl Werner
Windswept Mountains View Christmas Tree Farm
323 Fitzwilliam Road Richmond, NH 03470
Cheshire County
(603) 239-4005
Email: taylortreepeople@aol.com
Contact: Jeff or Susan Taylor
323 Fitzwilliam Road Richmond, NH 03470
Cheshire County
(603) 239-4005
Email: taylortreepeople@aol.com
Contact: Jeff or Susan Taylor